Digital Maelstrom’s CMO to be Featured on The Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast


This week, Digital Maelstrom’s CMO Kristopher Stice-Hall will be the featured guest on The Scrum Master Toolbox podcast- a daily podcast for Scrum Masters and Agile coaches. Throughout the week, Kristopher will be sharing his personal experiences and words of wisdom as a Scrum Master of over ten years.

The first podcast of this series was released today: Monday, April 22nd. In this episode, Kristopher shares the story behind why he decided to complete the Scrum Master certification, and the ways his perception towards accomplishing tasks has shifted entirely since. In addition to his Scrum Master beginnings, Kristopher shares a detailed story of failure from early on in his career, with relevant and helpful advice for teams so that they may learn from his experience and prevent failure from occurring in their own projects.

The first podcast episode can be heard at Scrum Masters Toolbox.

Kristopher Stice-Hall has been a Scrum Master for over ten years and has been working in software development for the past 17 years. His IT Advisory company, Digital Maelstrom, offers a wide variety of services in Development, IT Operations, IT Strategy, and IT Security.

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