When Off the Shelf Products Are Not Good Enough

The Challenge

Momentum Data Systems delivers cutting-edge digital signal processing tools, hardware, software, and systems for a wide range of audio, video, and other signal processing applications. They help customers develop complex real-time systems in a fraction of the time and expense had they tried to do it all themselves.

Momentum Data Systems wanted a content management system (CMS) for their primary product website, but none of the readily available CMS options could quite satisfy their business needs. The requisite customizations would have demanded more development work than would have been justified by the return on investment.

The Solution

Digital Maelstrom  used the Ruby on Rails Refinery CMS as a springboard to develop a tightly tailored CMS specifically for MDS. It provided for every one of their business needs while remaining flexible enough to easily accommodate frequent revisions.

Services Used

Custom Cloud Software Development
Let our cloud computing team provide your company’s custom cloud solutions. Our experienced team works closely with you to clearly understand your requirements and accessibility needs. We ensure the utmost security, reliability, and scalability for your digital solutions.

Technology Used

Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is a model–view–controller framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.

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