Implementing identity management

Has Identity Management become a focus at your company?
The Challenge

Health Outcomes Sciences provides instantaneous access to predictive health models at the point of medical care, wherever and whenever clinical decisions are most critical. Models are evidence-based, validated, and peer-reviewed, and the data required to run them can be synthesized in real time from any number of systems.

The login identity management of Health Outcomes Sciences (HOS)’s software platform had become complex and unwieldy. HOS had multiple clients with distinct requirements for their user authentications, ultimately resulting in the software platform becoming convoluted.

HOW Digital maelstrom helped

Digital Maelstrom modified HOS’s existing platform code to effectively use the identity management services and the single sign-on (SSO) capabilities of Microsoft Azure’s Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). This centralized and greatly streamlined HOS’s identity management processes. The change also granted the company’s clients the ability to authenticate their own users (subject to guidelines defined by HOS).

Identity Management becomes a core tenant as a company adds more people and software.

Digital Maelstrom Services used

Technology used

Programming Tech


System Tech

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